On Wednesday, 14 March 2018 at 05:22:53 UTC, rumbu wrote:

I doubt that this was the blocker because C# had ArraySegment<T> since .net framework 2.0 (2006), which is exactly a slice, but doesn't have the syntactic sugar for it.

If it doesn't have the syntactic sugar how is it "exactly a slice"?

The current C# proposal introduces a syntactic sugar similar to D (using ":" instead of "..") and extends the concept to stack arrays, because ArraySegment was limited to managed arrays.

If it's limited to managed arrays how is it "exactly a slice"?

Please stop repeating this fallacy, I have already corrected you once in another thread where you made the same claim about ArraySegment. I am also a C# developer and I can assure you that ArraySegment<T> has very little in common with a D slice.
It is a segment of an array of type T only! That's it!
You can't construct it from stack, static, native, memory-mapped or any other memory, and you can't coerce the type. Because it doesn't have the 'syntactic sugar' it is unusable for all practical purposes!

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