On Tuesday, 5 June 2018 at 06:55:42 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 June 2018 at 06:45:48 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
Hello Fellow D'ers,

As some of you know I work for Microsoft. And as a result of the recent acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft, I have decided, out of an abundance of caution, to move all of my projects that currently reside on GitHub to GitLab.


This reads like a joke, why would it matter if you contributed to open source projects on an open platform that your employer runs?

It can be easily argued as using company assets for a side project, and gets into situations where now your company owns the IP of the thing you built on your own time. Even without using company assets a lot of employers try to add something into contracts that everything you do is owned by them, even in your off hours with no resources and not particularly related to your day job. It's pretty ridiculous.

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