On Sat, 27 Oct 2018 10:54:30 +0000, Joakim wrote:
> I see, so you want other taxpayers to bail you out for your mistakes,
> interesting.

One of the major points of having a government is to create these 
regulations that make it less likely for individuals to suffer from the 
actions of other people and organizations.

Another major point is to help people in need using the collective efforts 
of society.

Programs like FDIC in the United States exist to serve both of these: it's 
an extra set of regulations for banks, and compliant banks will be bailed 
out if circumstances require. If I choose an FDIC bank and the owners run 
off with my money, I didn't make an avoidable mistake, any more than being 
mugged in the street is me making a mistake.

If you oppose that, you're gunning for an eventual repeat of the Great 

>> I think my concerns are rather normal. Judging by adoption, there's
>> some set of concerns that's normal.
> Some of them are popularly held, but most are fairly irrational.
> In any case, whether crypto-currencies ever go mainstream is irrelevant
> to this thread. They're already fairly popular among techies, from whom
> the D foundation is soliciting donations. As such, providing a way to
> accept such donations is literally a no-brainer: the work put into
> taking them will likely pay for itself many times over.

I suspect more techies use zloty than ethereum.

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