On Monday, 29 October 2018 at 16:40:20 UTC, FooledDonor wrote:
On Monday, 29 October 2018 at 16:01:38 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
One of the easiest ways to support the D Language Foundation is using smile.amazon.com when you make a purchase. Until Nov 2, they're running a special where they're donating 5% (10 times the usual amount) you buy through AmazonSmile.


Perhaps a fundamental principle is not clear enough at the foundation: transparency.

Where is the vision of the third and fourth quarter? Where are the deliveries of things in the pipeline? What is the progress of the various jobs started?

Which people is funding, with how much money and for what expected results? Where is the newCTFE? Was the work on this point financed by the foundation?

I've never seen a report on the state of affairs, neither from the president, nor from Andrei, nor from Walter.

How do you hope to obtain trust and funding, if NO one even deigns to give the least development plan or feedback on past developments?

It seems that everyone has locked up in their ivory tower ...

It's kind of discouraging to see that your post, as well as another thread asking something similar regarding the vision document[1] have gone unanswered...

Maybe the people who could answer these things just don't see them, or maybe they're purposefully being quiet. It would be nice to know what's going on at the very least ;(

[1] https://forum.dlang.org/thread/qmwovarkjgvxyibsl...@forum.dlang.org

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