On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 09:53:59 UTC, TheFireFighter wrote:
well you could say the same about pointers. but..what happens when a large number of programmers start using pointers?

I don't see the parallel between pointers and class-private.

But my argument actually is less about bugs, or the potential for bugs (although that potential obviously exists). My argument is more about the 'untyped' nature of the D module.

That's a shame, I think the bug-argument is the stronger one.

Now, if you're one of those that object to the use of classes (and there are many in the D forums), then you would already be biased towards dismissing my argument, and don't mind at all if the class is subject to humiliation. I would prefer you refrain from the discussion, if such bias is going to be used to shutdown the argument.

My guess, based on my experience, is that bad coders will seek the shortest path to something that works. So if they need to quickly access a class-private member in the module they're working on, they'll remove the private attribute. But I don't know, I'm biased like everyone. I haven't worked in the same setting as you. That's why I'm really interested in hearing your perspective. I don't have a strong opinion on the importance of visibility attributes within a module, so I'm interested in hearing strong arguments from you. But so far, your arguments boil down to:

- Avoiding justification - "Obviously" "I don't have to explain this" "Any decent programmer knows this" - Appeal to fear - "Just wait for all the problems that come in the future!" - Appeal to feeling - "Classes are naked, humiliated, their private parts are violated. That's so clearly wrong."

I don't find such arguments strong. If they were, you could also justify adding the @noloops attribute as I jokingly did in my previous post.

Lets be clear. My argument (not my DIP - as there is none) is, that it can only strengthen D, if D allowed the programmer the option (just the option) to ensure that a class wasn't subjected to such humiliation, when there is other code in the module besides that class.

That sounds like "I just want there to be the option for aggregate value types... without using struct.". The question this raises is why the current solution is so problematic.

I do not understand the motivations of those that reject such an argument.

Do you agree that language additions add a lot of weight? If yes, then it's simply the fact that people don't think your suggestion bears that weight because it's already possible to do what you want in another way.

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