On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 23:50:18 UTC, TheFireFighter wrote:
i.e. better encapsulation really is a good thing (although for many, it a lesson that needs to be learned).

Public/private/protected are hacks anyway - and many object-oriented languages don't have it. They only provide extremely limited encapsulation ; the client still sees the non-public part, and can depend on it in unexpected ways:

// my_module.d
struct MyStruct
  char[1024] data;

class MyClass
  abstract void f();

// main.d
import my_module;
import std.traits;
import std.stdio;

int main()
  // depends on the list of private
  writefln("MyStruct.sizeof: %s", MyStruct.sizeof); members

  // depends on wether 'f' is declared abstract or not.
writefln("isAbstractClass!MyClass: %s", isAbstractClass!MyClass);

  return 0;

If you want perfect encapsulation, use interfaces (as already said in this thread), or PIMPL.

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