On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 22:03:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Single letter names are appropriate for locally defined symbols. There's also an informal naming convention for them, changing the names would disrupt that.

And where can i read about naming convention? My guess its not documented anywhere and would not be in foreseeable future or ever. Also are you sure you are not talking about two letter variables like
sc for scope
fd for function declaration
td for template declaration

because I am not proposing to change them. They are 26 times better than one letter names and changing them would not bring significant benefit. What I want to do is change variables like m. Try guessing what it is used for. Hint it is used for different things.

What I dont understand is that you are against changing variable names that would improve code understandability but you are not against changing for loops to foreach that add almost nothing to code readability and only look better.

What you dont know about me is that I worked as code reviewer/tester/merger at PHP shop and know full well why you want pull requests the way you want. I also know how much less easier it is to review simple changes like foreach loop changes and simple variable renaming

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