On 5/24/2019 9:00 PM, Mike Franklin wrote:
On Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 03:22:50 UTC, Murilo wrote:
On the 6th of June(6/6) we celebrate the D day on Normandy, but I have decided to turn it into our own holiday to celebrate the D language.

I'm sure you mean well, but I will be spending D-Day remembering the sacrifice of these men: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normandy_landings#/media/File:Normandy_American_Cemetery_and_Memorial,_June_2012.jpg

Perhaps you could find a way to use the D language to honor them.

I think it's alright. I was invited to teach a D seminar in Holland a few years back around Memorial Day. They were happy to conflate the two (it was their idea), and the Dutch revere the sacrifice of the Allies on D-Day.

My father was a D-Day veteran, too, and I very much doubt he would have been offended by it. My Dutch friends were thrilled to find out my father was a vet, and they certainly would have shown him a good time had he come along. They even gave me some D-Day gifts.

The D for D-Day thing was all in good fun all around.

When I was a boy nobody cared my father was a vet. Everyone's dad was a vet. My neighbor next door was a paratrooper who'd lost his leg. My dad's best friend had his face burned off. It was kinda normal.

But in his later years, people started to acknowledge the remaining veterans, and my father really enjoyed that. If you are lucky enough to know one, tell him thanks. You'll make his day.

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