I've been using a set of meta tools for a while now, so decided
to release it as 1.0.0 with a few enhancements chucked on.
Two of the highlights are the non-eponymous "member" and "iz"
templates, which are shown below with some code. The library also
includes the "from" template because I tend to use that
Docs: https://aliak00.github.io/bolts/bolts.html
Github: https://github.com/aliak00/bolts
Package: https://code.dlang.org/packages/bolts
Current issues include:
1) that I'm not completely sure about the behaviour of the
copy-constructor traits - I've decided to pretend post blots
don't exist and marked the library as requiring dmd frontend
2.086 and above.
2) It's an ongoing battle with D to normalize parameters because
traits return tuples, or string, or tuples of strings, or alias
tuples, etc. And some traits take symbols, while others take
strings, etc. One of the goals is to make this library a little
more consistent and try and keep it that way. I will break things
to make things consistent (is my intention).
3) Naming - e.g. why are some things in std.meta capitalized
(i.e. Filter) and others camel-cased with a static prefix - i.e.
staticMap? What would be the consistent thing to do? I currently
have a staticZip in there, should it just be Zip?
Some sample code:
unittest {
import bolts;
int i;
class C { void f0() {} int f1(int) { return 0; } }
static struct S { void f0() {} int f1(int) { return 0; }
@property void set(int) {} }
pragma(msg, from.std.allSatisfy!(iz!int.of, 3, 4, int, i));
// true
pragma(msg, from.std.Filter!(isNullable, int*, C, S)); //
(int*, C)
// Member functions
pragma(msg, memberFunctionsOf!S.asStrings); // tuple("f0",
pragma(msg, memberFunctionsOf!C.asAliases); // tuple(f0, f1,
toString, toHash, opCmp, opEquals, factory)
// member template
pragma(msg, member!(S, "f0").exists); // true
pragma(msg, member!(S, "f0").protection); // public
pragma(msg, member!(S, "f0").isProperty); // false
pragma(msg, member!(S, "set").propertySemantics); //
// iz template
static struct OldS {
this(this) {}
static struct NewS {
this(ref NewS s) {}
pragma(msg, iz!S.triviallyCopyConstructable); // yes
pragma(msg, iz!OldS.triviallyCopyConstructable); // no
because post-blit
pragma(msg, iz!OldS.copyConstructable); // no because post
pragma(msg, iz!NewS.copyConstructable); // yes
pragma(msg, iz!NewS.nonTriviallyCopyConstructable); // yes
// meta fun with packs and zip
alias a = AliasPack!(1, 2, 3);
alias b = AliasPack!(4, 5, 6);
alias c = AliasPack!(7, 8, 9);
alias d = staticZip!(a, b, c);
static assert(d.length == 3);
static assert(d.Unpack[0].equals!(1, 4, 7));
static assert(d.Unpack[1].equals!(2, 5, 8));
static assert(d.Unpack[2].equals!(3, 6, 9));
static assert(AliasPack!(d.UnpackDeep).equals!(1, 4, 7,
2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9));
- Ali