On Monday, 15 July 2019 at 14:00:23 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
I'm sorry it broke digger, but digger is not how we typically build DMD, druntime, and Phobos.

It also breaks the LDC build system. Just shipping rt.* too by itself would be simple, but as the frontend takes various libraries when referring to rt symbols internally (using types that don't match, etc.), compiling code that uses certain parts of rt.* at the same time as rt.* itself leads to non-obvious breakage.

The easiest way of making sure this doesn't happen is to just not ship rt.*.

Either way, there is a simple resolution here: Put new template code or other artefacts that are actually used via import in core.* (e.g. core.internal.*). This also provides a natural boundary between legacy code and the new runtime interface. If more and more code gets template-ised, rt.* will slowly wither away, but there is nothing wrong with that. At some point, it will just cease to exist naturally.

 — David

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