On Wednesday, 17 July 2019 at 13:56:38 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Edi and myself are glad to announce that the first edition of the D Summer School that we organized for the students at the University Politehnica of Bucharest has just ended.

We had 8 practical sessions and a hackathon, during which students had to work on their project a peer-to-peer client implementation using vibe.d). The students were lucky enough to actually have Andrei present them the "Design by Introspection" course. It goes without saying that they were thrilled.

Our materials can be found here [1] if anybody is interested ( big thanks to Ali for his approval on basing our course on his book). Photos from the hackathon and Andrei's lecture can be found here [2].

We hope that by bringing D bootcamp courses to students we can raise awarness on D and increase its popularity and enlarge our community.

We have encouraged the graduating students to participate to SAOC and also we are in discussions with some of them to initiate them into contributing to D.


[1] https://ocw.cs.pub.ro/courses/dss/
[2] https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMRoQCmOcPh4E9nvn4hL4gGXeebPDYV9lSlH8lMhaZJmL4z6lt6QcCNs8iFvPkmxw?key=WUU3eXY3T05vR09HZlQ3X3ZBTXdidTBNQ3YzU01n

That's awesome! Did the students earn actual credit hours for this bootcamp, or was it more interest-based?

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