On Monday, 22 July 2019 at 20:57:19 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Monday, 22 July 2019 at 14:03:15 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> [...]

A pull request to the D runtime was my final milestone. I was ready at the beginning of February, but I started to procrastinate. I’d had no previous communication with any of the reviewers and I was timorous about engaging with them. I spent a lot of time refactoring my code back and forth and delaying my pull request. At a certain point, I even considered abandoning the final milestone and providing the GC as a library. In the meantime, Rainer Scheutze published a threaded implementation of the mark phase that reduced the mark time in the GC and I lost faith in my project.


at the dconf I had the possibility to talk about this with many people and I think that so far we are witnessing major improvements regarding the GSOC students.

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