On Tuesday, 7 January 2020 at 08:17:37 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
On Sunday, 5 January 2020 at 08:24:21 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:
On Friday, 3 January 2020 at 10:34:40 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:

- reals (probably are going to be unsupported)

It seems to me for now they can be threated as double without any problems

Yeah, that is what I have done so far.

I believe that's the best choice even long term. `real` is supposed to represent the largest natively supported FP type by the underlying ISA. In WebAssembly that's f64, so there's no need emulate anything. Of course, people who need wider integer/fixed/floating types can use third-party libraries for that. There are other platforms where D's real type is the same as double, so I don't see a reason to worry.

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