On Sunday, 23 February 2020 at 16:20:09 UTC, Ahmet Sait wrote:
On Sunday, 23 February 2020 at 10:07:44 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş wrote:
For those who are interested in game programming, geospatial things, 2D graphics etc. Earcut is a polygon triangulation library originally written in js and ported to almost every popular language (except D). I was playing around with my hobby sdl game and needed to draw some concave polygons. So, I have just ported the lib (suitable for betterC). My initial tests showed that it is fast that can be used for real-time rendering. If you have a function that can draw triangles, you can draw concave/convex any polygon which can also have holes.


Out of curiosity, why would you need to triangulate polygons instead of using stencil buffer? I'm assuming you're using OpenGL (or something similar) since you talked about your hobby game. Any advantage of triangulating shapes? (anti-aliasing maybe?)
I am not using opengl, but just sdl for no reason. I am trying to make a clone of a particular type of game namely wolfied, qix, or gals panic. Actually, I did it using cocos2dx (clipping node does the trick) in js few years ago. But this time I am trying to reclone it using just d and sdl by going bare metal. The ultimate target is running it on the browser maybe using dscripten.

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