On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 15:12:23 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
error: cannot implicitly convert argument of type interpolated tuple to type string. Tip: use `.idup` to explicitly convert it to string.

Oh, that pretty much sorts out my problem there, sorry if I glanced over it being mentioned previously.

We've already argued this at length and the community is not willing to lose
what we'd lose (ref, scope, compile-time usage, and more)

And that also explains to me why having the values packed into a struct (e.g. C# FormattableString) wouldn't be acceptable either. Again, sorry if I missed it being mentioned before.

My main other argument was the possible complexity/bugginess of having functions that provide special support for these strings, as from Walter's DIP it seemed each function would have to implement their own parsing of the format string. But I see your DIP already addresses that (_d_interpolated_format_spec("")).

I'm kind of struggling to see now why your changes were so vehemently rejected now.

Other than that, just pretend my misinformed post doesn't exist.

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