On Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 16:23:42 UTC, Jan Hönig wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 08:35:20 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 07:52:29 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
If that seems cool to you shoot me an email, or reply in this thread ... I need to the count to have a rough estimate of how low the size of my initial audience is..
Okay, it quickly gets out of hand and I need to get back to work I think.

I would check it out.
I also think quite a lot of people could watch it.
Depending on what it looks like when it is finished.
If it should have a teaching aspect, you would need to collect the sources and information into the video description.

I’m going to describe the way I do creative work and try to capture this fleeting moment of me discovering something new.

I have started my own company as of 1 day ago. I have no idea where I will be in one year with that but sure as hell I’m having fun and I have an array of ambitious projects already in the works. I want to explore what a Holistic Computer Scientist at work looks like. The whole idea of doing funny, maybe even silly things that all eventually prove to be completely nessasary. Which is the key part of Dirk Gently experience - whatever you decide to do - it will have meaning even if it will only be clear long after the fact.

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