On Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 07:52:29 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
I find that I can vaguely amusing 100% of the day and I love standup comedy...

So I thought maybe I can give it a shot with a youtube channel? I already invent a cool personality - think Dirk Gently in computer science setting;)

BTW for those of us who can’t do google search with a single click because of poor browser integration with the ecosystem, it’s this stuff:


It’s hilarious. Monthy Python is classic and all, but this stuff - totally insane and incredibly long chains of jokes, just what I like in humor the most...

If that seems cool to you shoot me an email, or reply in this thread ... I need to the count to have a rough estimate of how low the size of my initial audience is..

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