First, thank you for the explanation! I have a few observations though, mainly that the exception analogy feels like more an argument against the DIP than for it. And I also have an alternative proposal that might be considered?

On Friday, 22 May 2020 at 01:22:19 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
This, of course, was incredibly tedious and annoying. So what happened?

1. Functions would just do a try-catch(Throwable) and ignore the exceptions.

2. The Exception Specifications became simply `throws Throwable`. Oops.

This is what happens in swift these days:

func g() /*throws*/ {
  do {
    try f()
  } catch {}

But, it's very rare. And passing something like that in code review is very difficult and, almost always, the reviewer will ask for comments so other people will know why the laziness (if it even really was laziness, sometimes it's the right thing to do).

Of course the one big difference between exception specifications and @safe is the implied importance; @safe is compiler-enforced and has the user's trust, exception specifications are human guess work of what are the important exceptions and how varied they need to be - it's API design - very hard to get right.

The exception specification becoming "throws Exception", while highlights the failure of exception specifications, does so with a non-dangerous resolution. I.e. you still need to mark your function as throwing, and you still need to at least "try" to catch the exception. Even a forced "catch(Exception)" is better than nothing and shows where problems can be and encourages scrutiny.

How does this relate to safe by default?

That people will use the most convenient solution to get their work to compile if the juice is not worth the squeeze?

1. Go through...

2. by default to be lost.

3. Wrap the call...

4. Edit clibrary.d and make the first line:


5. Edit clibrary.d and make the first line @trusted: ?

Which brings me to the proposal of making @safe illegal on function prototypes. Reason being that @safe stays compiler checked. @trusted maintains it's path and value in hunting down memory corruption. extern(Anything) functions cannot lie anymore about being compiler-checked.

I submit that, just like with Java, Option 4 is what people will reach for, nearly every time. I've had some private conversations where people admitted this was what they'd do. People who knew it was wrong to do that.

If it's @safe by default, and then someone chooses to annotate it with @system

Which is the rare case in this scenario right? And 1) there's no way to tell if someone made an effort in the case where none are marked @system. 2) this is also only for the case of C library bindings (reason being that most of my code, and also others' code I've seen, has extern(C) functions splattered around various D files and not in a dedicated clibrary.d file - is this just me?)

here and there, I'd feel a lot more confident about the accuracy of the code annotations than if it just had @safe: at the top. At least they tried.

What is actually accomplished with this amendment if it was implemented?

1. Adds a funky, special case rule. It's better to have simple, easily understood rules than ones with special cases offering little improvement.

2. Existing, working code breaks.

3. The most likely code fixes are to just make it compile, absolutely nothing safety-wise is improved. The added annotations will be a fraud.

D should not encourage "greenwashing" practices like the Java
exception specification engendered. The compiler cannot vet the accuracy of bodyless C functions, and we'll just have to live with that. The proposed
amendment does not fix that.

And so, I did not incorporate the proposed amendment to the Safe by Default

I think there's a failure to understand why explicit greenwashing via a deliberate (possibly code reviewed) addition of @safe: at the top is worse than a global implicit greenwashing by the compiler, ignoring the rare "feel-good-but-can't-be-sure" scenario above where some functions are marked as @system, and especially given the premise that programmers are lazy.

Also ... error on @safe prototypes?

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