On Thursday, 12 November 2020 at 15:28:44 UTC, Faux Amis wrote:

I was thinking about something similar: Basic-D, a subset of D which would be a perfect starting language with appropriate docs and tutorials.

Maybe these type of subset languages could be integrated in the D frontpage.

I think it is too early for that as my project is not yet started, and it may not have any traction. I believe that if I can create solid documentation then it might make a difference but we will see.

Fortunately or not - I have limited time - so I won't be making changes to D other than very simple patches to switch off some things. I simply cannot afford to spend time on maintaining a different code base. My main focus will be to create documentation.

I can probably do one thing - guarantee that the new language is a proper subset of D and that any code in laser-D is guaranteed to build with dmd, ldc, gdc.

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