On Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 11:42:58PM +0000, Dukc via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 13:54:48 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> If an assert was failing, the program is going to terminate anyway, so
> InvalidMemoryOperationError is no problem. Well, it might obfuscate
> the underlying error if there is no stack trace, but banning
> `assert`ing in anything that could be called by a destructor sounds
> too drastic to me. Even the lowest level system code tends to contain
> asserts in D, at least in my codebase. If asserting is banned,
> destructors can do faily much nothing. I'd think it's much more
> practical to redefine the assert failure handler if
> InvalidMemoryOperationError due to a failed assert is a problem.

This is precisely why Walter (and others) have said that assert failures
should not throw anything, they should simply terminate (perhaps calling
a user-defined panic function right before aborting, if special handling
is needed).

That, or we take Mike's advice to pretend that class dtors don't exist.


The diminished 7th chord is the most flexible and fear-instilling chord. Use it 
often, use it unsparingly, to subdue your listeners into submission!

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