On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 12:29:14 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Friday, 3 September 2021 at 18:52:13 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
(i loathe and despise wayland but ill try not to rant)

Have you written more about this on your blog?

I have not (well.... not directly anyway, wayland flamewars is one of the things that directly inspired this post: http://dpldocs.info/this-week-in-d/Blog.Posted_2021_03_08.html#adam's-rant ).

The short version is the wayland devs were hyperfocused on one use case and missed the big picture. This led them to wrongly believe that the majority of X is completely useless legacy bloat, so instead of patching up the one use case, they threw it all out.

...then they have spent 13 years slowly reinventing it doing extension after extension and revision after revision after revision, and still haven't actually even reliably fixed the one issue they complained about... while X actually did patch it up if you opt into it (via the dri2 and sync extensions) and it does a pretty good job. They also bring up spurious security complaints - which have been around since the 90's btw but never materialized into a real problem - which are also patched via X extensions or nested servers. It could certainly be better but a version 1.1 or 2.0 of the security extension could realistically fix that up, no need to throw everything out. (Notice how Microsoft made similar changes in Windows without a significant breakage of backward and interoperation compatibility.)

So they broke everything for no benefit. Again. It is just like the broken audio stuff.

And then it really annoys me that the wayland proponents are rarely well educated on X, saying things that are just untrue. So that ups the flamewars to 11.

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