On Tuesday, 19 October 2021 at 14:48:20 UTC, Tejas wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 October 2021 at 13:53:04 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
I this specific case, I agree completely. But there is a broader pattern in D of projects getting "stuck" because a specific individual is unable to continue work on them (e.g., std.experimental.allocator and Andrei), and I think it is worth considering whether we can do anything to make future projects robust against this mode of failure.

The obvious solution is more people who get paid to work on D the language/stdlib/rt-env full-time. Where to get money to pay those individuals? Well there's no obvious solution to that (that I know of).

We can say community, but, like the vision documents, they will be a bust because one can't _make_ volunteers meet deadlines, code in a particular way, or incorporate all feedback language maintainers think should be acted on.

That would help. But also, I think there are probably steps we could take that would make it easier for people other than the original author to pick up existing stalled projects and help move them towards completion.

To return to the `std.experimental.allocator` example: there are many people in the community who'd be happy to contribute towards getting it moved out of `experimental`. The problem is, nobody knows what needs to be done, or what the criteria are to consider the project "finished." If the original author(s) had written down, say, a design document and a TODO list, and posted them somewhere publicly visible (maybe the D Wiki?), we would not have this problem.

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