On Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 01:48:24 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 10/19/2021 6:35 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
I think @live is a dead end and any further work on it is probably wasted unless the code is reusable for some other feature. Ownership is a property of values, not of functions operating on those values. In particular, prioritizing ImportC over @live is the right call. ImportC is high-impact and Walter has a lot of relevant expertise.

Timon and I famously disagree over the concept behind @live.

Nevertheless, we do agree that ImportC is more important.

Iain and I have decided that changing the build process so that Phobos' zlib code is built with dmd rather than gcc is going to be our goalpost for declaring ImportC ready to use.

Why is compiling zlib a goalpost for *Import*C? Hopefully that doesn't make it "finished, because that goalpost has almost no effect on the issues actually plaguing C interop at the moment - i.e. the preprocessor.

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