On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
compiler). You can write functional-style code, and, thanks to metaprogramming, you can even use more obscure paradigms like declarative programming.

No, you can't. You can do a little bit of weak declarative programming in C++ thanks to SFINAE. The D type system does not provide a capable solver.

I can theoretically do everything in C++ that I do in D, for example,

Only with the GC, and even then that claim is a stretch. Without the GC you loose features that C++ has.

In C++, I'm guaranteed that there is no GC -- even when having a GC might actually help me achieve what I want. In order to

You have access to several GCs in the C++ eco system.

that are not compatible with the GC, etc.. Definitely NOT worth the effort for one-off shell script replacements. It takes 10x

Never seen a scripting problem that cannot be handled well with Python, why would I not use Python for scripting?

When you sacrifice system level programming aspect in order to make scripting more convenient, then you loose focus. And people who primarily want to do system level programming will not respond well to it.

Hardly surprising.

With D, I can work at the high level and solve my problem long before I even finish writing the same code in C++.

This is great, but does not solve the other issues.

And when I need to dig under the hood, D doesn't stop me -- it's perfectly fine with malloc/free and other such alternatives.

Nobody are fine with malloc/free. Even in C++ that is considered bad form.

This is why these fanboy-discussions never go anywhere. People make up arguments and pretend that they are reality.

Well, it isn't.

Rust and C++ are doing better than D in terms of adoption, and it isn't just marketing. It is related to actual design considerations and a willingness to adapt to the usage scenario.

Rust has actually focused on runtime-free builds. They pay attention to demand. Despite Rust being "high level" and "normative" they pay attention to system level usage scenarios beyond those of browsers. I think this is why it is easier to belive in the future of Rust than many other alternatives. And I don't have a preference for Rust, at all.

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