On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 10:19:00 UTC, matheus. wrote:

I usually watch videos at work (During interval) using my personal phone/internet, and watching as (https://imgur.com/1LeGPRd) two small texts of the same thing with visual impairment is tough.

The edited version is still too small? It's only slightly scaled down from full size, and larger than it was in the livestream. I don't have access to the video stream of the slides, so I had to export Walter's PDF to JPEG. They all came out square, and I scaled down only 15% in the video.

My tip is for the next DConf, people in charge of recording should watch all the previous Conferences and take what went right (The conference at facebook was well done), because this was new to me, usually when the slide is *NOT* presented on the screen they show it in full for a few seconds or when the presenter is explaining, this way was very weird and the first time I see this.

Are you still talking about the edited version? I tried to time showing the slides when he's actually talking about them, and for the code snippets I highlighted the lines he's referring to. I didn't like the random switching in the livestream (which is what the recorded version is), which is why I decided to edit.

As for the sound, I have no complaints.


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