On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 23:42:37 UTC, max haughton wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 23:17:28 UTC, MissPiggy wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 11:13:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Our enthusiasm is high, and we're ready to get going. I think you'll like where we're headed.

IVY may increase the probability of a particular outcome, but it cannot predict a particular outcome.

You simply cannot ever know the position and velocity of every atom in the universe.

Luckily some very clever physicists have worked out that this task is a fools errand and instead one *can* model the interesting large scale dynamics of the system extremely well (until you can't, but still).

You're going to hear more about IVY as time goes by, and eventually, we're going to start employing it more broadly in the community.

Whether you can in fact 'deploy' IVY into the 'broader community'... well..that remains to be seen.

It's more likely, I think, that D's 'future' will be increasingly determined by the priorities of a select group of corporations, rather than any psychological/behavioural science.

Ignoring that this statement doesn't make any sense (IVY is but a tool):

Let's not bother then eh — I'm sure Mike, who is the main liaison between these groups, hasn't put any thought into this.

I don't believe my post required this kind of response. Check your motivations please.

First, I was simply stating the obvious.. that there are always things that are not under your control. You can predict possibilities of an outcome only (where such variables are in play). This is not the same as saying you shouldn't try, which was your criticism against something I never said.

Second, I was simply stating the obvious (e.g who attends these regular meetings? Increasingly, its business oriented, isn't it? That is not a criticism. Other languages have also been driven by business priorities, and have succeeded very well. Whether this is true for D, remains to be seen.

When I go on a road trip, even when I know where I want to get to, doesn't mean I'm going to get there. It also doesn't mean I'm not going to go on a road trip.

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