On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 23:24:53 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
This initiative has my full support.

While I have ceased using D because of my concerns about the project's future (I discussed my reasons in a previous message that don't need to be repeated), I have continued to check this forum occasionally, hoping to see the slope turn positive. Mike's message and your response are both the kind of thing I was hoping for.

While there is no guarantee that the effort Mike describes will have the desired outcome, the mere fact that the effort has been made and endorsed by you is a significant positive step.

I'm sure I needn't tell you that technical work and project management require related but different talents. I did both professionally for a very long time and I certainly was not equally good at both. You can probably guess which one was the laggard. But I have seen it done well, having worked for some really great managers.

One who deserves mention is the late Frank Heart. The ARPANet (and thus the Internet) would not have existed without Frank's unique ability to herd the brilliant cats at BBN 50+ years ago. He's in the Internet Hall of Fame, deservedly. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Heart. Some of the great people in the history of computer science are in the picture on that page, including Bob Kahn, who, with Vint Cerf, won the Turing Award. Both played absolutely key roles in the development of the Internet.

I really hope that this is the start of something good for this project. A lot of value has been built here, but the project has obviously foundered in an organizational way. Project management is difficult, so the trouble is not surprising or unique. The key is recognizing that the problems are happening and taking steps that have a reasonable probability of improving the situation.

I will watch how this unfolds with great interest.

/Don Allen

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