Daniel Keep wrote:

Lars Kyllingstad wrote:
From a performance
perspective, however, it carries with it the overhead of an extra
function call, which I'm not sure I want.


You're worried about a second function call which could potentially be
inlined, yet you're seemingly not worried about the overhead of virtual
calls or heap allocations...

But that's the problem, you see. I don't know how expensive these operations are, hence my initial question(s). (This was also why I posted my question in D.learn.)

For instance, I didn't know (not sure I still do) what the cost is of frequent allocation/deallocation/access of stack memory vs. infrequent allocation/deallocation and frequent access of heap memory. From the replies I've got, it seems heap variables make for significantly slower code.

Nor was I sure, as you pointed out, how expensive a virtual function call is vs. an extra non-virtual function call.

I'm a physicist, not a computer scientist. :)

Allow me to quote Donald Knuth:

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Unless you're doing something where you *know* you're going to need
every last cycle, just go with whichever design works best.  Your
response to Jarrett implies that you've already got a design in mind,
and are just fishing for a magic "make it go faster button."

I want that button, yes. :)

But seriously, I am doing numerical computations, so performance is absolutely an issue. The main thing I wanted to know was, can I have both performance and usability, or do I have to choose? With Jarretts suggestion I can, to some degree, have both.

Believe me, if Walter had invented such a thing, he wouldn't be wasting
his time putting up with us; he'd be too busy smoking $100 bills from
the comfort of his SPACE FORTRESS.  :D

What are you implying, that he wouldn't make it open-source? :)

In any case, I'm willing to bet that if there *are* inefficiencies
you're not going to know exactly where until you've written the code,
anyway.  :P

If classes work, and make for an elegant design, go for it.

  -- Daniel

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