On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Joel C. Salomon <joelcsalo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm starting work on my Geometric Algebra library
> <http://www.dsource.org/projects/gald>, and I'd like some tips on
> structuring the source tree. Is there a "standard" place to put the
> library test/demonstration?
> Right now I'm starting with:
> trunk/
>      gald/
>           e2.d
>      test.d
>      dsss.conf
> with the files as follows:
> e2.d:
>        module gald.e2;
>        struct vector2 {
>                real x;
>                real y;
>        }
> test.d:
>        module test;
>        import gald.e2;
>        int main(char[][] args) {
>                vector2 v;
>                return 0;
>        }
> dsss.conf:
>        name=gald
>        [gald]
>        [test.d]
>        target=test_gald
> Is this a reasonable start, or am I buying trouble for myself with the
> layout and module declarations? What are the "best practices" for such a
> project?
> —Joel Salomon

That looks ok to me.  You might end up with more tests, so you might
want to put test.d  in a "tests" or "gald_tests" subdir instead at the
top level.


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