On 01/22/2010 12:23 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:44:24 -0500, Ellery Newcomer
<ellery-newco...@utulsa.edu> wrote:

according to the spec,

a op= b;

is semantically equivalent to

a = a op b;

but this doesn't seem to be strictly true. for example:

char c = 'a';
real r = 3.14;

c = c + r; // error

c += r; // accepted; seems to be doing c += floor(r);

is this behavior intentional?

There are two issues, I think recently discussed, a op= b is actually
equivalent to:

a = a op cast(typeof(a))b;

when dealing with primitives. I'm not sure if this happens with user
defined types.

And the second issue (if you want to get technical) is that a op= b is
considered a different operation than a = a op b because one can
manually optimize a op= b more than a = a op b. So technically the
seemingly analogous calls can do something different. A good example is
array appending, a ~= b is not equivalent to a = a ~ b, because the
former may allocate in place and the latter always reallocates.


Alright, that makes sense enough, thanks.

Spec needs to be changed, though

  • op= Ellery Newcomer
    • Re: op= Rainer Deyke
    • Re: op= Steven Schveighoffer
      • Re: op= Ellery Newcomer

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