I was surprised by the behavior of division. The resulting type of 
division in example below is uint and the value is incorrect. I would 
expect that when one of operands is signed, then the result is signed 

int  a = -6;
uint b = 2;
auto c = a / b;          // c is type of uint, and has value 2147483645
int  d = a / b;          // int,  2147483645
auto e = a / cast(int)b; // e, -3 (ok)

I have longer time problems with mixing int and uint, so I tested some 
expression now and here is the result. 

auto f = a - b           // uint, 4294967288
auto g = a + b           // uint, 4294967292
auto h = a < b           // bool, false
auto i = a > b           // bool, true

Recently while I was hunting some bug in templated code, I created a 
templated function for operator <, which requires both arguments to be 
either signed or unsigned. Fortunately D such function was quite easy to 
do, if it wasn't possible I don't know if I would ever find form where 
the ints and uints come from...

bool sameSign (A, B) () {
    return isUnsigned!(A) && isUnsigned!(B)) || (isSigned!(A) && isSigned!

bool lt (A, B) (A a, B b) {
    static assert (sameSign!(A, B) ());
    return a < b;

Could somebody please tell me why is this behavior, when mixing signed 
and unsigned, preferred over one that computes correct result. If this 
cannot be changed, is it possible to just make compiler error/warning 
when such incorrect calculation could occur. If it is possible in D code 
to require same-signed types for function, it is definitely possible for 
compiler to require explicit cast in such cases.

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