Stewart Gordon:
> That code needs to be "fixed"?  My point was that being forced to use 
> signed types for values that cannot possibly be negative doesn't to me 
> constitute fixing anything.

Yes, in my opinion it needs to be fixed. Using unsigned integers in D is a 
hazard, so if you use them where they are not necessary (and representing 
positive-only values is often not one of such cases) then you are doing 
something wrong, or doing premature optimization. Using a unsigned value to 
represent a positive-only value is not going to increase your program safety as 
it happens for example in Delphi, in D it decreases your program resilience.

Using size_t and uint in your code where you can use an int is something that 
needs to be fixed, in my opinion. Normal D programmers writing very mundane 
code must not be forced to face unsigned values every few lines of code. 
Unsigned values in D are quite bug-prone, so the language has to avoid putting 
them on your plate every time you want to write some code. You need to be free 
to use them when you want, but it's better for you to use them only when 

Unsigned values have some purposes, like representing bit fields, representing 
very large integers (over signed values range) when you are optimizing your 
code and with your profiler you have found a hot spot and you want to reduce 
space used or increase performance, to work with bitwise operators, to work 
with bit fields, and few more. But letting all programmers, even D newbies mess 
with unsigned values every time they want to use an array length is something 
that will cause a very large number of bugs and wasted programming time in 
future D programs. You will need a hard evidence to convince me this is false.

If you want to make your D code a bit more safe you have to write code like:
cast(int)somearray_.length - degree
because if you write more normal expressions like:
somearray_.length - degree
You can quickly put some bugs in your code :-) I have written something like 
300_000 lines of D code so far, and I have found a good number of 
unsigned-derived bugs in my code. Good luck with your code.

And by the way, in C# you have ways to use unsigned values, but I think array 
lengths and indexes are signed. Maybe they know better than Walter and you 
about this design detail.


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