== Quote from Rory Mcguire (rjmcgu...@gm_no_ail.com)'s article
> Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> >> > Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
> >> > complains it cannot be reached.
> >>
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Interesting, I didn't have to comment out return; using dmd 2.047 on
> >> linux
> >>
> >
> > I think I have -w (warnings treated as errors?) always checked. That's my
> > Code::Blocks default configuration for DMD.
> > I was on Windows for this test. I never cheked if there was any difference
> > between OSes for this :-)
> :) thanks Philippe

Actually, after making the changes that you suggest, Philippe my program works.

However, I did not have to comment out the return statement.  But when I did
compile using the -w flag, I do get the compiler error that you describe.

Anyways, thanks for the coding suggestion.

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