On 05.08.2010 11:28, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday 05 August 2010 01:26:32 Johannes Pfau wrote:
>> On 04.08.2010 11:34, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>> There appears to be a bug with regards to SwapStrategy.stable. If you
>>> don't pass it a swap strategy it works just fine, but if you do, it
>>> fails.
>>> I'm using svn snapshot 1751 of phobos, which is a few weeks old, and it
>>> fails an assertion in sort() which is checking whether the range was
>>> sorted. I have no idea if it's been fixed since then. I don't see a bug
>>> report for it in either case.
>>> - Jonathan M Davis
>> Ok, I'll just use it without SwapStrategy.stable then. I guess I could
>> also test the phobos svn version at some time and if the assert still
>> fails the phobos devs likely already now that.
> You'd probably be better off creating a bug report. The phobos devs don't 
> catch 
> everything and neither do their unit tests. And even if they're aware of it, 
> a 
> bug report will serve as a reminder to them so that they don't forget. I know 
> that Andrei has asked people to create bug reports on a few occasions when he 
> was already aware of a issue that they pointed out, because he didn't want to 
> forget it.
> - Jonathan M Davis

OK I reported it, thanks for your help.

Btw: it also asserts in phobos for me. I just never saw the assert
because my distributions package now has -release in the default
dmd.conf and -debug on the command line doesn't seem to override
-release in dmd...

Johannes Pfau

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