On Thursday 05 August 2010 03:23:54 Johannes Pfau wrote:
> OK I reported it, thanks for your help.
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4584
> Btw: it also asserts in phobos for me. I just never saw the assert
> because my distributions package now has -release in the default
> dmd.conf and -debug on the command line doesn't seem to override
> -release in dmd...

-release and -debug actually have nothing to do with each other. -release tells 
dmd to compile in release mode, which means that it removes various checks 
assertions (though I think that some checks like array bounds checking is still 
left in for safe modules). -debug enables debugging statements. e.g.

        //only compiled in with -debug enabled

You can actually have both -release and -debug at the same time, so it's a bit 
confusing. But -release has to do with release/debug mode whille -debug has to 
do with enabling debug statements. They're totally unrelated.

- Jonathan M Davis

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