Here's an example:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;
import std.typecons;

class C
    int m_value;
    int testMe()
        return 1;
    this(int x) 
        m_value = x; 
    this(int x, int z)
        m_value = x + z;

template inheritClassMethods(Base)
    alias AutoImplement!(Base, generateEmptyFunction, isAbstractFunction) 

void main()
    auto c = new inheritClassMethods!C(42, 56);

So basically you can instantiate a highly modified class that's based on 
another class at compile time. You can change the method definitions, and even 
leave some out. What's really cool about this is that you can, say, add logging 
ability to all methods of a class without having to manually add them in class 
definition (there's an example in the docs). Which could be quite useful in 
debugging I suposse.

isAbstractFunction and generateEmptyFunction are from std.typecons (I think), 
but you can pass your own template functions instead of these.

I'm just getting a lot of errors because it seems very sensitive to what kind 
of functions you're going to inherit.. well it's complicated. And there's some 
warnings about bugs in the sources. Still, I like the premise of AutoImplement.

Andrej Mitrovic Wrote:

> There is an AutoImplement class template in 
> , 
> which I've just been trying out. Apparently you can pass it 1: a Base class, 
> 2: a templated function to filter out which functions you want to 
> inherit/overwrite from the Base class, and 3: a template function which can 
> re-write the bodies of each function which is not filtered out (+ there are 
> some "macros" which you can use to quickly access the functions' parameters 
> and other such things).
> But it's a mess to work with, and I'm not sure how I'm supossed to use it if 
> I'm trying to do something like "class B : A".., because it looks like 
> AutoImplement creates a class and instantiates it, it doesn't return a string 
> ready to be mixed in like you are doing in your example.
> There's an example of BlackBox and WhiteBox, which use AutoImplement, on the 
> same page. Maybe you guys could make sense of it, it's too hard for me atm. 
> (D newbie)
> // Offtopic
> Template errors are so hard to grasp, most of the time it's best to just 
> ignore them and take some logical steps to fix the errors. At least that's in 
> my case true..
> Rory Mcguire Wrote:
> > Rory Mcguire wrote:
> > 
> > > Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> > > 
> > >> On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 11:43, Rory Mcguire <>
> > >> wrote:
> > >> 
> > >> 
> > >>> I've been trying to make a template for this but it seems that dmd still
> > >>> won't allow me to get the parameters of the constructors. dmd Seems to
> > >>> think
> > >>> that I'm trying to use it as a property.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >> 
> > >>> void main() {
> > >>>    foreach (m; __traits(getOverloads, A, "__ctor")) {
> > >>>        pragma(msg, m.stringof); // it thinks I'm calling m
> > >>>    }
> > >>> }
> > >>>
> > >>> constructors.d(34): Error: constructor constructors.A.this (int x) is
> > >>> not callable using argument types ()
> > >>>
> > >> 
> > >> This is my new once-a-day bug :(
> > >> Using a function alias, and being unable to call properties on it,
> > >> because DMD thinks I'm calling it. Man, it's no property, just a name!
> > >> 
> > >> Anyway, just pragma(msg, m) works, strangely.
> > >> I think I found a way to use m, somewhat:
> > >> 
> > >> void main() {
> > >>    foreach (m; __traits(getOverloads, A, "__ctor")) {
> > >>        pragma(msg, m); // it thinks I'm calling m
> > >>        typeof(&m) tmp = &m;
> > >>         writeln( (ParameterTypeTuple!tmp).stringof); // (int), (double),
> > >> (string)
> > >>         writeln( (ParameterTypeTuple!m).stringof); // (int), (int), (int)
> > >>         writeln( typeof(&m).stringof); // A function(int x), A
> > >> function(double x), A function(string s)
> > >>    }
> > >> }
> > >> 
> > >> using ParameterTypeTuple!m directly does not differentiate the m's. But
> > >> using a temporary pointer, it seems to work.
> > >> 
> > >> Oh and I even get the arguments names !
> > >> 
> > >> 
> > >> Philippe
> > > 
> > > Thanks!! works now. Now we just need to be able to select which
> > > constructors we actually want.
> > > 
> > > string inheritconstructors_helper(alias T)() {
> > >     string s;
> > >     foreach (m; __traits(getOverloads, T, "__ctor")) {
> > >         string args, args1;
> > >         foreach (i, cons; ParameterTypeTuple!(typeof(&m))) {
> > >             pragma(msg, cons.stringof);
> > >             args ~= ","~cons.stringof~" v"~to!string(i);
> > >             args1 ~= ",v"~to!string(i);
> > >         }
> > >         args = args.length < 1 ? args : args[1..$];
> > >         args1 = args1.length < 1 ? args1 : args1[1..$];
> > >         s ~= "this("~args~") { super("~args1~"); }\n";
> > >     }
> > >     return s;
> > > }
> > > 
> > > class A {
> > >     int i;
> > >     //private this() {}
> > >     this(int x) {
> > >         i = x;
> > >     }
> > >     this(float x) {
> > >         i = cast(int)x; // ignore bad code
> > >     }
> > >     this(string s, int mul) { // test multiple args
> > >         i = to!int(s) * mul;
> > >     }
> > > }
> > > class B : A {
> > >     mixin(inheritconstructors_helper!A());
> > > //  InheritConstructors!A;
> > > }
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > void main() {
> > >     A a = new B(4);
> > >     a = new B("42", 2);
> > > }
> > 
> > Got selection working:
> > 
> > string inheritconstructors_helper(alias T,Selectors...)() {
> >     string s;
> >     
> >     foreach (m; __traits(getOverloads, T, "__ctor")) {
> >         string args, args1;
> >         pragma(msg, typeof(&m));
> >         /*foreach (sel; Selectors) {
> >             pragma(msg, sel, is (sel == typeof(&m)));
> >             continue top;
> >         }*/
> >         if (staticIndexOf!(typeof(&m), Selectors)==-1) {
> >             continue;
> >         }
> >         foreach (i, cons; ParameterTypeTuple!(typeof(&m))) {
> >             pragma(msg, cons.stringof);
> >             args ~= ","~cons.stringof~" v"~to!string(i);
> >             args1 ~= ",v"~to!string(i);
> >         }
> >         args = args.length < 1 ? args : args[1..$];
> >         args1 = args1.length < 1 ? args1 : args1[1..$];
> >         s ~= "this("~args~") { super("~args1~"); }\n";
> >     }
> >     return s;
> > }
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Usage:
> > 
> > class B : A {
> >     mixin(inheritconstructors_helper!(A,TypeTuple!(A function(string,int)
> >                     ,A function(int)))());
> > }
> > 

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