I'll be sure to check it out once I get my phone line back (forgot to
pay the bills..). I'm currently on expensive wireless (Why is wireless
so expensive anyway? What's so special about radiowaves that were
invented half a century ago?..)

Thanks for the heads up!

On 9/14/10, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:
> gmx.com seems to deal with mailing list e-mails correctly (by actually
> putting
> the ones you sent to the list in your inbox when they come from the list),
> and
> it has free imap and lots of disk space just like gmail (not to mention that
> it
> uses proper folders instead of labels), so I've switched over to it. It's
> much
> more pleasant to deal with (at least when using it from an e-mail client;
> whether the user interface for the site itself is better is more debatable).
> And
> switching e-mail addresses gives me a chance to reduce the spam that I get.
> :)
> - Jonathan M Davis

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