On 3/15/20 2:14 PM, bauss wrote:
On Sunday, 15 March 2020 at 17:58:58 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I want to try and learn how to write 2d games. I'd prefer to do it with D.

I've found a ton of tutorials on learning 2d gaming with other languages. Is there a place to look that uses D for learning? Should I just start with another language and then migrate to D later? Anyone recommend any specific tutorial/book?

The theory is the same in any language ex. if you can write a 2d game in C++ chances are you can do it in D as well but you could probably apply the same theory to C, Java, Python etc.

So for D what you really need to be familiar with, is just the library you're using.

The theory for a 2d game is rather simple though.

You have a loop on the main thread (or ui thread) and within that you handle events, clear the screen, draw the graphics and repeat pretty much.


I would recommend using Derelict and SDL with D since it's the most mature.
If you can get a SDL application running and at the very least showing a window then I won't mind helping you in the right direction.

It should be trivial using the guides available at the derelict docs.

Thanks, I'm pretty much starting from zero as I have very little experience in what is necessary to actually do the drawing parts, or how to store/manipulate sprites etc. I've got a lot of experience in GUI design, but getting the rendering to work, making sure it's fast enough, etc. seems like something I'd rather leave to someone else (i.e. library/framework/etc).

I was looking at the lispysnake stuff, and realizing I have no idea what any of the blogs are talking about. The D gaming libraries seem to come from the perspective of "Oh, you know how to write games, here's how you do it in D". I kind of need a "here's how you write 2d games" which uses D as a way to show it.

I think I'll probably just use a straight tutorial with another language and then move on to D. But thank you for the offer, I might take you up on it later.


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