On Friday, 27 March 2020 at 10:57:10 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:
I decided to write a small blog post about multidimensional arrays in D on what I learnt so far. It should serve as a brief introduction to Mir slices and how to do basic manipulations with them. It started with a small file with snippets for personal use but then kind of escalated into an idea of a blog post.

However, given the limited about of time I spent in Mir docs and their conciseness, it would be great if anyone had a second look and tell me what is wrong or missing because I have a feeling a lot of things might. It would be a great opportunity for me to learn and also improve it or rewrite some parts.

All is here: https://github.com/tastyminerals/tasty-blog/blob/master/_posts/2020-03-22-multidimensional_arrays_in_d.md

I don't really know mir myself, but for the start of the content:

Both array types represent a structure with a length and ptr (a pointer to the first element) properties

A static array doesn't really fall under this imo, because it doesn't have any length field at runtime and is literally just the elements repeated N times.

Dynamic arrays are also called slices in D

meh, all dynamic arrays are also slices, but not all slices are dynamic arrays. You can take a slice from a static array or from a pointer and once you try to append to it or resize it, it will duplicate the data using the GC and create a new dynamic array. This is true every time you take a slice of any array or memory and then try to resize it. If the slice was originally from a dynamic array (checked using runtime magic) and you use assumeSafeAppend, it will actually try to resize the existing array in-place.

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