On Friday, 27 March 2020 at 14:18:13 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:
I agree. I was planning to do several follow-ups after this first brief overview. For example, looks like just one "byDim" requires a separate post.

The goal was just to show ppl who know nothing or a little about D and Mir that Mir exists and is usable. Because what I am lacking is not the API docs but introductory examples how to do mundane tasks like creating matrices and reshaping. Treat the first post as such and if you have suggestions on what is redundant or good to have I shall update it accordingly.

I am excited about your blog. Exactly what i have been waiting for. If you plan to do more blog posts, please announce it in the "Announce" group and also on reddit (like Ron, e.g. https://forum.dlang.org/thread/gmqqkfzejicevkbai...@forum.dlang.org).
It really helps to "catch" it.
Also, since you put so much work into it, you should put it somewhere (a link) on wiki.dlang.org

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