On Monday, 18 May 2020 at 16:36:11 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
Would this require GUI library and how can this be achieved?

you might enjoy using my terminal lib


include that and set

"subConfigurations": {
   "arsd-official:terminal": "builtin_emulator"

and it gives you a gui window that acts like a terminal.

then in your program, here's a complete program you can run with

dub run --single file.d

/+ dub.sdl:
        name "cool"
        dependency "arsd-official:terminal" version=">=7.2.0"
subConfiguration "arsd-official:terminal" "builtin_emulator"

import arsd.terminal;
void main() {
   auto terminal = Terminal(ConsoleOutputType.linear);

// this is possible too but you MUST have an indexed png which might be hard to make if you aren't ready for it.


   auto got = terminal.getline("say something: ");

   terminal.writeln("you said ", got);

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