On Monday, 12 October 2020 at 11:06:55 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
On 11 Oct 2020 at 16:46:13 CEST, "Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.gros...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ada, Java, Eiffel are supposed to.

Yes... beside Java, the other two are already in the exotic department...

I'm not sure if Go is a success in that department either. I suspect it tanks when programs get large.

Go seems to be kept as simple as possible, even if you have to write more code. Which is, in the long run, the cheaper and smaller burden. No tricks, no surprises... that has a lot of merits.

Aside all the issues with the D ecosystem... which requires writing certain stuff yourself. And things like vibe.d not well documented, here's one thing that D gives that I don't get anywhere else.

D is a great language that is capable of solving any problem easier than what it'll take to do in equivalent languages.

D's ecosystem is not currently where I would want it to be... simply not enough dub packages and alternatives.

Vibe.d for instance is great but it's currently moving at slow pace because Sonke isn't able to work on it as much as he used to. Personally I think it should just focus on the core base and let others extend on it.

But it's only a matter of time. Certain things are very doable in vibe.d but I guess there's not enough blog posts on vibe.d.

D is a language you learn once and use every. Just hope the ecosystem gets better to meet business needs... getting things done.

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