On Sunday, 15 November 2020 at 02:29:20 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
On Sunday, 15 November 2020 at 01:04:41 UTC, Marcone wrote:
auto mytime = Clock.currTime().toUnixTime()

writeln(strftime("%Hh:%Mm:%Ss", mytime)); How can I make some like this in D?

auto mytime = Clock.currTime;
writefln("%02dh:%02dm:%02ds", mytime.hour, mytime.minute, mytime.second);

auto mytimeFromUnix = SysTime.fromUnixTime(1234567890);
writefln("%02dh:%02dm:%02ds", mytimeFromUnix.hour, mytimeFromUnix.minute, mytimeFromUnix.second);


Your code get wrong hour result: 21hours, only minuts and seconds correct.
I'm using this example:

import std;
import core.thread;

// Functiono strftime()
string strftime(string text, int tempo){
        int H = to!int(tempo / (60*60));
        int M = to!int(tempo % (60*60) / 60);
        int S = to!int(tempo % (60*60) % 60);
return text.replace("%H", H.to!string).replace("%M", M.to!string).replace("%S", S.to!string);

void main(){
        int starttime = Clock.currTime().toUnixTime();
        int endtime = Clock.currTime().toUnixTime() - starttime;
        writeln(strftime("%Hh:%Mm:%Ss", endtime));

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