On Sunday, 15 November 2020 at 03:14:07 UTC, Marcone wrote:
I want to convert seconds to hour, minut and second.

Do you want to convert a *duration* into hours/minutes/seconds, or format a UNIX *timestamp* to hours/minutes/seconds? These are conceptually two different things.

`Clock.currTime` will return a `SysTime` (a point in time) in your local timezone. If you want to get the hour/minute/second parts of a duration of time (for instance, in seconds), use a `Duration` and `split`.

// Função strftime()
string strftime(string fmt, int tempo){
        long H, M, S;
        tempo.seconds.split!("hours", "minutes", "seconds")(H, M, S);
return fmt.replace("%H", H.text).replace("%M", M.text).replace("%S", S.text);

writeln(strftime("%H:%M:%S", 4783));  // 1:19:43



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