On 2011-02-19 22:25:31 +0100, Nick Sabalausky said:

Unfortunately, rdmd doesn't seem to have gotten much attention lately. I've had a few patches for it sitting in bugzilla for a number of months. (Not that I'm complaning, I realize there's been other priorities.)

I see. Kind of surprising, given that rdmd is distributed in the official DMD zip file. But, yeah, no complaints. :)

Actually, if you want, you can grab a version of rdmd.d with my patches applied here:


(Yes, it is 4 months old, and I can do the match: 3 < 4, but this *is* the same as the latest official version just with my patches applied: The latest official commit to rdmd.d was one of my patches (albiet slightly modified, IIRC))

However, the latest version of DMD I used this with was 2.050, so it might still need some updating for 2.052.

Hm. Are most minor releases of DMD backward-incompatible? (Sort of a scary prospect to me, at least...)

Magnus Lie Hetland

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