On 2011-02-21 15:17:44 +0100, Jacob Carlborg said:

On 2011-02-21 14:16, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

Say you have a file "myscript", that starts with the line

#!/path/to/interpreter --foo --bar

If you run this as

./myscript --hello --world

then the args[] received by the interpreter program looks like this:

args[0] = "/path/to/interpreter"
args[1] = "--foo --bar"
args[2] = "./myscript"
args[3] = "--hello"
args[4] = "--world"

This is the case on every shell I've tried on Linux, at least.

Let me first clarify: By "nothing happens", I really mean that. When I supply --shebang, the code isn't compiled, and nothing is run. Running the script becomes a no-op.

As for your example: The switches to rdmd *don't* appear in args for me. So for example, if I have

#!/path/to/rdmd -unittest

... as the shebang line, rdmd finds and passes the -unittest switch to dmd (my unit tests work). I get no problems when I add more switches either (i.e., rdmd doesn't complain). But, as far as I can see, none of these end up in args. (Or are we talking about different things here?)

Instead, args[0] contains the full path to the temporary executable built and run by rdmd, and args[1..$] contain any arguments I supplied when running the script.

The fact that --shebang borks the whole execution seems like it must be a bug. As for the rest of the behavior, it seems pretty useful to me, but perhaps OS X-specific? (That would be odd, but who knows...)

Magnus Lie Hetland

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