Thanks for all the help! This makes it make a lot more sense now, I'm surprised it's not part of the dlang tour.

The template parameter serves to make Flag!"foo" a distinct type from Flag!"bar".
Does this mean other flag yes's will not be accepted?
Also regarding the other examples given, why does Phobos use templating so heavily, in situation in which I am totally confused as to why generics would be necessary. I seem to be totally confused as to how this template system works. It was introduced as a kind of generic, like in Java, but things like 'string s' seem to me like parameters.
For example;
class C
    void opDispatch(string s)(int i)
        writefln("C.opDispatch('%s', %s)", s, i);
I'm pretty sure I'm confusing something, though I don't see the point of using this instead of something like 'opDispatch(string s, int i)`? I also came across a similar thing in the File.byLine documentation.

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