On Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 13:27:49 UTC, oddp wrote:
foreach (group; readText("input").splitter("\n\n")) { ... }

Also, on other days, when the input is more uniform, there's always https://dlang.org/library/std/file/slurp.html which makes reading it in even easier, e.g. day02:

alias Record = Tuple!(int, "low", int, "high", char, "needle", string, "hay");
auto input = slurp!Record("input", "%d-%d %s: %s");

P.S.: would've loved to have had multiwayIntersection in the stdlib for day06 part2, especially when there's already multiwayUnion in setops. fold!setIntersection felt a bit clunky.

Oh my, all these things are new to me, haha, thanks a lot! I'll be looking into those (slurp & tuple). By the way, is there a reason to use either 'splitter' or 'split'? I'm not sure I see why the difference would matter in the end.

Sidetangent, don't mean to bash the learning tour, as it's been really useful for getting started, but I'm surprised stuff like tuples and files arent mentioned there. Especially since the documentation tends to trip me up, with stuff like 'isSomeString' mentioning 'built in string types', while I haven't been able to find that concept elsewhere, let alone functionality one can expect in this case (like .length and the like), and stuff like 'countUntil' not being called 'indexOf', although it also exists and does basically the same thing. Also assumeUnique seems to be a thing?

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