It's more of a multi-part question,
I've been trying to read tuples using 'slurp', though later realised one of the types was an enum, I'm guessing that's what was the problem, which lead me down a whole rabbit hole.

- Can I directly read tuples using slurp? It doesnt seem to like slurp!TUPLE_ALIAS_HERE(etc

- Since slurp can read files into tuples, can I somehow tell slurp to name the fields? (For example, I have `alias Instruction = Tuple!(OPERATION, "operation", int, "argument");`, but I'm not sure if it's possible to make slurp output one), or alternatively, can I define it's output tuple 'type'?

- If it's possible to make user types print in certain ways (, is it possible to also read them back? Say using formattedRead or slurp or parse or even to? And if so, how does this work?

- Is it possible to read (formatted) data into enums, as for example I would like? I wouldnt be surprised if this question stands loose from the previous one, as it's not entirely the same situation.
I have an enum;
enum OPERATION {NOP, // Would like to read 'nop' hereto
                ACCUMULATE, // 'acc' likewise
                JUMP // and 'jmp'

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