And regarding the rest,

I'm curious about reading back user types, without defining a new seperate method for it, such as structs, unions and tuples, (although I'm unsure to what extent tuples are really a user-defined-type).

The other thing just resolved itself;
I was wondering, as slurp kind of already reads tuples from files, whether or not it's possible to tell it what tuple you want it to read, instead of redefining a possibly previously aliased tuple. It seems now I found a way to do just that . . . I honestly don't know why this went wrong before, must have made a mistake somewhere. This now works:

        alias Entry = Tuple!(int, "a", char, "b");
        Entry[] results = slurp!Entry("temp.txt", "%s %s");

Im actually kind of surprised it does, as nothing in the documentation seems to hint to me this makes sense, neither did I find any example like it elsewhere.

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